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    Android L: Inspired By?

    June 27th, 2014

    While Apple is sometimes accused of borrowing a few features, such as the Notification Center, from Android, it’s still true that Google’s mobile OS was heavily influenced by iOS from the very beginning. Before the iPhone came around, Android concepts were, as with other smartphone platforms, heavily influenced by the BlackBerry. How things changed! More […]

    Do We Need Another Smartphone Platform?

    June 24th, 2014

    It has been rumored for several years, and last week, Amazon announced their first foray into the smartphone business. But unlike existing Kindle products, it is not being sold at or near cost. Instead the Fire Phone costs very much the same as the iPhone 5s and the Samsung Galaxy S4, which portends a decent profit. When […]

    Newsletter Issue #750: Imagining the Next iOS and OS X

    April 14th, 2014

    On June 2, 2014, iOS 7 and OS X Mavericks will become yesterday’s news. That’s when Apple is expected to unveil the next versions of both at the Worldwide Developers Conference in San Francisco, so let the speculation begin in earnest. It’s not that there’s anything necessarily wrong with the existing versions of Apple’s free […]

    Windows Phone: Taking Hints from iPhone

    April 3rd, 2014

    Windows Phone has been less than a success for Microsoft. With a low market share, only exceeding that of the fading BlackBerry brand, Microsoft’s mobile OS has basically gone nowhere. Indeed, the company’s purchase of Nokia’s smartphone division, which has seen better days, may be one the only possibility to save the platform, and it’s […]