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    The Glitch Report: Should You Worry About iOS 8?

    September 30th, 2014

    When iOS 7 came out last year, there were major and sometimes controversial changes. The new user interface looked fine for most, but turned off some, particularly if they had vision problems of one sort or another and couldn’t cope with the parallax view and all that zooming. Apple provided a limited set of Accessibility options […]

    The iOS 8 Report: Getting Dumb and Dumber

    September 18th, 2014

    Some tech sites with no imagination whatever issue the same tired nonsense every year when Apple is about to issue a major product update, be it software or hardware. There’s always suspicion, the warning how bad things are apt to happen, or that the product isn’t good enough. So maybe stay away or wait for things […]

    Apple is Engaged in a Plot To…

    August 1st, 2014

    Paranoia strikes deep in today’s society. Governments aren’t believed, and there is a conspiracy theory behind almost everything. Any significant world event has multiple meanings, and there is always the feeling we aren’t being told everything. Certainly profit-making corporations aren’t to be believed. The message, whatever it might be, is designed to entice you to […]

    OS X Yosemite: Closer and Closer, Inch By Inch

    July 22nd, 2014

    So Apple on Monday July 21 released the fourth developer preview of OS 10.10, also known as OS X Yosemite. As usual, some new features were added or modified, and there are loads of problems in the release notes that impact many significant parts of the new OS, including the Finder and Safari. Some may […]