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    Apple’s New Product Doublespeak

    May 22nd, 2013

    Based on what Tim Cook said at Apple’s last quarterly conference call with financial analysts, the conventional wisdom has it that the company isn’t going to release a single new product until the fall. That perceived product draught is one reason why the stock price, and media expectations, have been suffering in recent weeks, and […]

    What Features Do You Want in a Smartphone?

    May 14th, 2013

    One unfortunate way to compare tech gear is the spec list. The longer, the better. This is what appears to drive Consumer Reports magazine in giving one product a higher rating than another. But that doesn’t mean the feature works as advertised or, for that matter, serves a legitimate need. Now Samsung’s Galaxy S4 was […]

    So the iPhone 5 Isn’t Dead Yet

    May 9th, 2013

    So if you can believe some of the media chatter in recent months, the iPhone 5 was one huge failure, and therefore Apple is no longer the company to beat in the tech universe. Samsung is emerging victorious, except for the fact that, in the critical December quarter in 2012, the iPhone 5 beat the […]

    Typical Pre-WWDC Talk

    May 2nd, 2013

    As we all await news of what Apple has in store for an anxious public at the WWDC in June, speculation has predictably mounted. What we do know is that Apple’s lead designer, Jonathan Ive, one with minimalist preferences, was tasked with handling human interface for iOS and OS X last fall. This presages a […]