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    The Great Profits Versus Marketshare Disconnect

    September 17th, 2013

    So we know that there are a lot of people out there who believe that Apple is toast, what with stock price problems, and with an apparently declining share of the smartphone market. The perception is that, if Apple isn’t number one, they are doomed to a decline into irrelevance. If not today, tomorrow, or […]

    The State of Predictability — Apple Style

    September 11th, 2013

    All right, I was disappointed. The WWDC keynote in June was streamed live online and via Apple TV. I looked for an icon on my Apple TV and there was no comparable link, but I was able to simply consult the live blogs from those who were present. The presentation finally went online later in […]

    Will Apple Amaze on September 10?

    August 29th, 2013

    It seems there isn’t a lot that isn’t yet known about the next iPhones, if you can believe the published reports that is. Almost every day, you see a supposedly leaked photo of what the high-end iPhone 5s, and the expected low-end version, the iPhone 5c, looks like. The specs are already being revealed, such […]

    The iPhone Rumors Make Me Dizzy Report

    August 20th, 2013

    All right, so one of the recent rumors about that alleged forthcoming iPhone 5s speaks of a gold-colored version. All right, I’m OK with more colors, though one hopes it won’t take months for them to show up in quantity. Let’s not forget the white iPhone 4 that never made it until the spring of […]