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    Welcome to the Bozosphere

    September 26th, 2013

    As I continue to read the silly comments and conclusions made by tech pundits and industry analysts, I really wonder about the decision-makers who hired them. Of course that assumes they aren’t just self-employed, in which case it doesn’t matter. There’s no government test or license required to hang out a shingle and call yourself […]

    The Apple Myths Keep on Coming

    September 25th, 2013

    So, without giving you a reference to the original source, and confuse you further, some tech media sites fell for the foolish claim that iOS 7 somehow makes your iPhone waterproof. Are you with me so far? Now implicit in such an absurd assumption is the belief that software will somehow render the hardware impervious […]

    Will the Critics Admit They Got Apple Wrong? No Way!

    September 24th, 2013

    Let’s take a brief journey back through time. In 2012, amid predictions that Apple would sell up to ten million copies of the iPhone 5, they announced that a “mere” five million were sold. Now in passing, it should be pointed out that Apple never made any presales predictions, but they did state that they […]

    Early Observations of iOS 7

    September 20th, 2013

    The critics said that the iOS had grown long in the tooth, that Android and perhaps Windows Phone had passed it by. So where’s Apple’s rebellious streak? Where is the change you can believe in? Has Apple indeed become yesterday’s news? Well, it didn’t take long for the rumor sites to suggest that a total […]