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    Why Should Apple Take on a Company With Declining Hardware Sales?

    May 17th, 2017

    It certainly makes sense for the rumors to ramp up ahead of Apple’s WWDC. You know there will be new versions of the company’s various operating systems, with the emphasis on macOS and iOS. But there has been sparse speculation about the new features, less than usual for this time of year. Perhaps that’s because hardware is […]

    Does a Hacktinosh Point to the Solution to Apple’s Mac Pro Dilemma?

    May 2nd, 2017

    I don’t have to repeat the obvious. Better late than never, Apple finally came to realize that its 2013 revision to the Mac Pro was a big misfire. Well, they didn’t use those terms, but it was the polar opposite of the previous version. Where the so-called cheese grater Mac Pro made it simple to add extra […]

    Design the Mac I Want — Or…

    April 21st, 2017

    As Mac users — and would-be Mac users — wonder about what Apple is up to, speculation is starting to become more detailed about the next product refreshes. Indeed, it almost seems as if speculation about a new iPad Pro with a 10.5-inch edge-to-edge screen is no longer relevant. But the release of a single lower-cost […]

    The 2018 Mac Pro (???): Why is it Taking So Long?

    April 18th, 2017

    So if you take Apple at its word, the next Mac Pro is being developed as we speak, but it won’t arrive this year. That said, there has been some speculation it might not arrive next year either, but it’s not as if Apple would offer too many specifics. I will take Apple at its […]