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    Apple in 2016: Is That All There Is?

    November 4th, 2016

    There’s a perception, and I’ll leave it to the reader to say whether it’s valid, that Apple may have underwhelmed customers for 2016. So let’s look at what happened and see what might have been. Throughout 2016, at least so far, Apple has been attacked for conveying the impression that they were more or less giving […]

    Windows: Yesterday’s News?

    October 11th, 2016

    In Microsoft’s vision of an ideal world, Windows would have fully supplanted the original Mac OS 20 years ago. For a while in the mid-1990s, it appeared that Apple might allow that to happen by default. But when Apple’s executives made a final, desperate move — to acquire Steve Jobs’ NeXT in late 1996 — the future […]

    The Mac Betting Pool

    August 16th, 2016

    If you’ve purchased a Mac in recent years, you may have considered buying the latest and greatest. But it doesn’t seem as if much has changed. While the iPhone of every other year looks different, Apple can keep the same Mac form factor for years before it changes. If you bought a 2010 MacBook Air, you […]

    About the Fear Mongering Over the Next iPhone

    August 10th, 2016

    Imagine for the moment that you are involved in marketing mobile gear for one of Apple’s competitors. Sales may be decent enough, but the smartphone space is saturated, and profits just aren’t very high. Since it’s pretty well known that a new iPhone will arrive in September, it’s pretty clear that sales for competing products may […]