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    The WWDC Report: All Right, Apple Won’t Fight Microsoft’s Windows Vista Marketing Machine

    March 18th, 2006

    It’s a sure thing that, when Microsoft puts its promotional efforts into full gear, it can accomplish wonders. Consider Windows 95, regarded by many as the first really usable version, and one that many regarded as truly competitive with the Mac OS. Consider, also, the fact that many businesses still actually use Windows 2000, and […]

    The Secret of Getting Maximum Mac OS Performance: Go Intel!

    March 18th, 2006

    What if Apple had switched to Intel processors at the very beginning of the Mac OS X era? This may seem a perfectly absurd question, but stay with me now. From a practical standpoint, it may have had disastrous results for developers. Imagine the pain they underwent moving their products from Classic to Mac OS […]

    New Apple Hardware: Are There Downsides?

    March 4th, 2006

    Before I get to the point, let me say that I’m encouraged that Apple has managed its transition to Intel processors so rapidly. So far, the number of glitches with the new hardware appears to be small, fundamental compatibility is good, and the number of Universal applications continues to increase rapidly. Apple’s own product guide […]

    The Mac Hardware Report: Living in Suspension

    February 18th, 2006

    For the longest time, most of you ignored the move to Intel processors, buying more and more of the existing PowerPC versions, despite fears of a slowdown. The first official “pause” apparently occurred in December, as rumors rose that the first MacIntels were about to be introduced. Now I’m not about to say Apple rushed […]