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    The Mac Hardware Report: Stop Saying Macs Cost More!

    August 29th, 2006

    It’s pretty much agreed now that, for the time being at least, the Mac Pro is cheaper than a comparably-equipped Dell Precision Workstation 690. That won’t stop some from saying otherwise, but that’s not important in the scheme of things. However, what annoys me is the fact that far too many tech writers and bloggers […]

    Can Apple Do the Unthinkable Again?

    August 1st, 2006

    Back in the 1960’s, the American ambassador to the U.N. used the words “hell freezes over,” in referring to a demand made of his Soviet counterpart during the height of the Cold War. That famous phrase seems to come back over and over in lots of circumstances, and certainly in our little corner of the […]

    The Mac Hardware Report: Not Another Mac Pro Rumor

    July 19th, 2006

    Talk about rising expectations. Not long ago, I was seriously suggesting that Apple might release its Mac Pro desktop early, simply because of the availability of the new Intel Xeon chips, which are ideal for a powerful workstation. If that doesn’t happen, the next moment of opportunity is Apple’s WWDC next month, even though Leopard […]

    Are Mac Rumors Helping Apple’s Competitors?

    June 9th, 2006

    There’s a classic battle in force now. One that weighs Apple’s rights to keep its product plans secret, and the desire on the part of not just Mac users, but the entire technology press, to know just what those plans are. There have been legal skirmishes, as most of you know, and it may take […]