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    Is PowerPC Software an Endangered Species?

    November 1st, 2006

    It seems whenever I’m about to forget about the various conspiracy theories in this tiny corner of the world, and get on with my life, they seem to appear all over again. Here’s an example of what I mean: Way back when Steve Jobs first confirmed rumors of the switch to Intel processors in June […]

    Newsletter #361 Preview: Does the Intel-Based Mac Eliminate Apple’s Advantage?

    October 30th, 2006

    I suppose that I shouldn’t take all the stuff I read online or in the newspapers seriously, particularly when it comes to technology. While there are lots of dedicated journalists plying their trade, some of those tech pundits seem to write about things not to provide factual information, but to drive an agenda that might […]

    The Tiger Report: Do You Really Want to Run Mac OS X on a Plain PC Box?

    October 4th, 2006

    Over the years, some analysts have suggested that Apple made a grave mistake in not setting up a real cloning program early on, so other computers could run the Mac OS. If only the company had listened to Bill Gates and others, today Apple might really own the computer market, not just in mindshare, but […]

    Microsoft and the Mac: Excuses, Excuses!

    October 3rd, 2006

    When I posted a commentary suggesting that Microsoft and other companies were afraid to build Mac products, because they couldn’t compete with Apple, you could see the excuses from a mile off. Clearly I hit a sore spot, and that was just as true with the departure of Virtual PC. You see, if you believe […]