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    Microsoft and Mozilla Updates: One Minor, One Awesome!

    March 12th, 2008

    Over the past few days, both Microsoft and Mozilla have released updates that Mac users can benefit from. But their respective value differs substantially. As promised, the Microsoft Office for Mac 12.0.1 update appeared Tuesday, addressing a number of early-release defects for the newly released suite, plus a few of the usual security patches. On […]

    The Mac Hardware Report: How Important Are Looks?

    February 26th, 2008

    Apple has continued to raise the bar for cutting-edge industrial design, but little has changed when it comes to appearance in the Mac lineup in recent years, other than the strikingly individualistic beveled shape of the MacBook AIr. As my friend Rob Griffiths, of Macworld, observes in an intriguing commentary this week: “But then, I […]

    Office 2008 for the Mac: A Short Look at a Sprawling Suite

    January 3rd, 2008

    Four years is an awfully long time in the software business, although Microsoft is good at stretching its software development projects even longer, witness Windows Vista. But I didn’t think, when Office 2004 for the Mac came out, that we’d be waiting so long for its successor. Of course, a lot has happened to slow […]

    Will Macs Soon Change?

    December 27th, 2007

    The other day, after my son returned from his semester of college studies in Spain, I watched as he set up his well-worn 17-inch PowerBook G4 on his desk. That particular form factor actually debuted in 2003, and Grayson’s note-book, the 1.33GHz model, appeared in the spring of 2004. My 17-inch MacBook Pro was acquired […]