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    The Mac Hardware Report: Back to 5%

    July 23rd, 2005

    I tremendously enjoy reading those claims that Apple’s sales are dipping year after year, not because I want Apple to fail. Clearly I don’t. But I enjoy watching the embarrassment as the people who make those claims have to rethink their prophecies of doom. So it was with great interest that I learned that Apple’s […]

    Introducing the Newest Mac Rumor Site: The Wall Street Journal

    July 23rd, 2005

    At one time I regarded The Wall Street Journal as the most prestigious newspaper in the world. Even when The New York Times seemed to lose its way, you could always depend on the venerable WSJ to deliver the news shorn of the usual politically correct spin. Now I’m not about to say that the […]

    Apple’s Financials: Wall Street Screws Up Again!

    July 16th, 2005

    Maybe they need a new set of tea leaves, or perhaps they should call on the services of the real life psychic who is portrayed in the TV show Medium. Regardless, when it comes to Apple Computer, Wall Street just can’t get an accurate fix on what’s going on. Consider: In the last few weeks, […]

    The Apple/Intel Report: Are Cheaper Macs Coming?

    July 9th, 2005

    I find it difficult to believe that some supposedly well-connected columnists still routinely succumb to the belief that Macs are more expensive than Windows boxes. It underscores the fact that some people prefer to repeat what they’ve heard or been led to believe rather than check the facts for themselves. Since that’s what a journalist […]