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    The Mac Hardware Report: When You Believe Apple Lies, Anything is Possible

    September 3rd, 2005

    It’s very easy to take a story and put a negative or positive spin on it. A baseball team loses by five runs, so you point out that the last time they played in the same stadium, they lost by six runs. Now isn’t that an improvement? Maybe it’ll be four runs next time. At […]

    The Apple/Intel Report: What They Stopped Talking About

    August 27th, 2005

    It’s tempting. We live in a world of instant analysis, so when something happens, expected or otherwise, you can bet there will be a thousand and one interpretations of the meaning of the event within the first five minutes. You aren’t supposed to just sit back and sort through the maze of facts and fiction […]

    The Apple/Intel Report: DRM or Not? Big Deal!

    August 6th, 2005

    For the past 21 years, nobody has disputed the fact that the Mac operating system was designed to run strictly on Macs. Or on computers licensed to do so by Apple Computer. Despite that oh-so-obvious fact of life, and loads of screw-ups along the way, the company has managed to somehow survive and, of late, […]

    The Apple/Intel Report: The Excitement Dies Down

    July 30th, 2005

    In the days following the news of Apple’s decision switch to Intel processors, speculation ran rampant. Some said it was a foolish idea, while others said it was a long time coming. But many delivered a collective yawn. So who cares what processor is inside a Mac? It is, after all, the operating system that […]