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    Wall Street Voodoo: Apple’s Stock Continues to Nosedive

    February 11th, 2006

    Maybe it was all the fault of Steve Jobs. When Apple’s stock was above $80, he was reported boasting to employees that the company’s market value, however briefly, had exceeded that of Dell. Maybe he should not have relished the experience and challenged the “fates.” Regardless, now it’s down below $70 a share, and folks […]

    MacIntel Apps: An Avalanche or a Sprinkle?

    February 4th, 2006

    It may seem strange that I must always return to Apple’s previous processor transition in discussions of this sort, but the comparisons are important to some of you. When I purchased that first Power Mac 8100/80 back in 1994, the wait for native software seemed endless. Sure, there was a plugin from Adobe that accelerated […]

    The Apple/Intel Report: Today’s Models Will Get Faster

    January 21st, 2006

    In recent days, you’ve read preliminary reports about the performance of the new MacIntels. It makes sense for the iMac, since it is really shipping and some actually own one. The picture gets somewhat murky with the MacBook Pro, since it isn’t available yet. The only units seen are preproduction units and it’s always possible […]

    The Macworld Expo Report #3: Sorry, No Cheap MacIntels

    January 14th, 2006

    Well, he did it again. Steve Jobs went and pulled a fast one on the media analysts and rumor sites. Yes, two Mac models with Intel processors were introduced, but they weren’t quite the ones many expected. That’s either good or bad, depending on whether a budget-priced Mac was in your sights. Take the iMac. […]