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    On Raising Unreasonable Expectations

    April 30th, 2009

    One of the downsides of a company as secretive as Apple is that customers and the media will feel compelled to speculate about new products. Some of that speculation will be true, some of it not, but it’s usually hard to know in advance which predictions will pan out except through logic, reason and a […]

    The Plain Fact: Mac Users Love to Complain

    March 9th, 2009

    I know that when Apple moved from the PowerPC to Intel processors, you could hear and feel the groans around the world. How could Apple possibly abandon the processor platform that made their products the fastest PCs on the planet? How indeed! Well, as it turned out, the PowerPC roadmap didn’t favor Apple. When Steve Jobs […]

    Is Your Mac.com Address An Endangered Species?

    July 8th, 2008

    As Apple is poised to launch MobileMe this week for an unsuspecting public who may not have even asked for it, you have to wonder whether this is a key move to help Macs penetrate the Windows market big time. You see, Apple seems to have done its level best to make .Mac’s successor look platform […]

    Apple and the Cloners: Round Two

    June 30th, 2008

    Just today, my copy of the August 2008 issue of Macworld arrived, with a fascinating headline situated above the title: “Mac CLones: Are They Coming Back?” This would seem a silly proposition, since Steve Jobs ejected the last round of cloners, because their actions were threatening Apple. While the company’s erstwhile executives felt that ceding […]