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    The Mac OS Clone Myth Revisited

    October 27th, 2008

    In the 1980s, Bill Gates told Apple’s CEO at the time, John Sculley (the former soft drink executive), that he should license the Mac OS. As far as Gates was concerned, Apple would own the market. Well, what really happened was that Sculley, in his infinite stupidity, actually licensed some of the Mac OS to […]

    Is It Time to Dump Your PowerPC Mac?

    June 16th, 2008

    I remember when the first PowerPC-based Mac came out in 1994. Despite the promise of greatly-increased performance, my initial encounter was a huge let-down, mostly because there wasn’t a lot of software supporting the new processor. So just about everything, including large portions of the Mac OS, ran in 68K emulation, where performance was reduced […]

    The 10.6 Report: Time for Apple to Drop PowerPC Support?

    June 4th, 2008

    Before I get started with this commentary, let me assure you that I never take any of my predictions seriously. Yet it seems as if The Night Owl caught a wave with one particular article, and now other sites, including the standard rumor sources, are getting into the act. So what am I talking about? […]

    The MacBook Pro: Two Years On

    May 1st, 2008

    Two years ago, I bought my first Intel-based Mac, a 17-inch MacBook Pro, to replace a similarly-outfitted PowerBook G4. Yes, I have an affinity for larger screens. In fact, I’d spring for a 20-inch model if I could afford it and it wasn’t too heavy — and that may be why Apple isn’t producing any. […]