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    Newsletter Issue #1042 — My Checkered Keyboard History

    January 31st, 2023

    It all started when I was 13 or thereabouts; it was the late 1950s. My mother worked as a clerk typist, and I decided I needed to learn to type so I could write about my favorite subject at the time, flying saucers. So she agreed to rent one, and gave me quick guidance as […]

    Newsletter Issue #908: Assuming that Apple Can’t Innovate

    April 24th, 2017

    Do you remember the IBM Selectric? It represented the pinnacle of traditional typewriter technology before companies tried to turn them into rudimentary word processing machines. The Selectric made it easy to change typefaces by putting the letters on tiny switchable font elements or balls. My recollection of the Selectric is that they were smooth, reasonably […]