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    Apple Smashes Money Records Again!

    October 22nd, 2007

    When you examine Apple’s financials in even a cursory fashion, you have to consider that, not so long ago, it took almost a year for them to earn $6.22 billion of revenue. Now Apple can do this in a single quarter, and nobody can guess just where this might end up in the next few […]

    The Mac Hardware Report: The Best Mac?

    June 11th, 2005

    Let’s say for the moment that your budget is unlimited, that you need a new Mac and you’re prepared to pay the going price for any model. What would you buy? What should you buy? No I could easily avoid the question, simply by saying it depends on your needs, whether for home or work, […]

    Are Mac Browsers Really Slower?

    February 19th, 2005

    At the heart of the claim that Macs are slower than Windows PCs is the perception that browsers run slower. A lot of that, of course, is based on the fact that Internet Explorer generally works a lot faster under Windows, simply because it’s optimized for that platform. Yet when I’ve done benchmarks of this […]