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    Apple Watch: A Failure, But They Can’t Stop Talking About It!

    February 20th, 2015

    It’s likely that Apple Watch sales won’t match expectations right away even though it might be hugely successful. There’s too much anticipation, and that can be a dangerous thing, though it’s likely that the initial publicity will attract early adopters. It’s also likely there will be an Apple media event late next month, or early in […]

    Ahead of the Apple Watch Launch

    February 3rd, 2015

    Before I start, let me tell you that I still sometimes refer to Apple Watch as iWatch. I suppose old habits die hard, but it’s also true that the media assumed Apple hadn’t given up on the “i” prefix just yet, although it’s more than 16 years since the first iMac was introduced, so isn’t it […]

    Is There a Case for an iWatch?

    December 10th, 2013

    Some potential Apple products are thought of as inevitable. Despite the lack of evidence of an Apple TV set, you may feel it will arrive one of these days simply because Steve Jobs developed some sort of amazing user interface that would, I suppose, revolutionize the living room. But remember that he didn’t actually say […]