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    How Should Apple Answer Microsoft’s New Ad Campaign?

    April 20th, 2009

    This weekend, more of Apple’s neat Mac versus PC vignettes came out. While the usual Windows flaws, such as susceptibility to malware, were covered, Apple was careful not to respond to Microsoft’s latest marketing attempts to regain lost ground for the Windows platform. It’s not as if Apple didn’t respond at all. Corporate communications rep Bill Evans […]

    Newsletter #490 Preview: Mac Support = Good; PC Support = Bad

    April 19th, 2009

    Apple always remarks that they will not build junk when they are asked why there’s no cheap Mac. PC makers, however, struggle to eke out sales in every conceivable product category, from netbooks to Web servers. They are also notorious for shaving costs wherever they can, and that often comes at the expense of their […]

    Newsletter #474 Preview: Is Apple Using Focus Group Testing?

    December 28th, 2008

    If you can believe Microsoft, they frequently put groups of users in little test rooms — or some sort of testing environment — and expose them to the new features in a product. By gauging their reactions, they decide whether those capabilities deserve to go into production. Now if you look at Microsoft’s shipping products, […]

    Apple’s First Impression Dilemma

    September 3rd, 2008

    All right, try to put yourself in the shoes of someone who has never purchased an Apple product, or perhaps did so way back when, but later migrated to the Dark Side. In recent months, you have been exposed to endless articles and ads about the joys of Macs, iPods and the ever-so-popular iPhone. Now […]