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    Some of the Less Positive Aspects of the Apple Event

    September 3rd, 2010

    On the whole, it appears that Apple is getting great marks for its fall musical event, where a new lineup of iPods debuted. And, despite using a guitar on the invitation (denoting only music), Apple also upgraded its favorite hobby product, the Apple TV. It seems, as usual, that some members of the media have […]

    With Apple It’s Rarely About the Features

    February 9th, 2010

    As I read the complaints about the lack of a Web cam and “true multitasking” on the iPad, I’m reminded of the complaints folks voiced years ago about the original Mac OS. In those days, as I mentioned in yesterday’s column, Apple cobbled together a cooperative multitasking system to allow you to run more than […]

    The Cheap Mac Equation Revisited

    September 16th, 2009

    Now that the new iPods, iTunes 9 and iPhone 3.1 are in the wild, speculation is mounting about the next great Mac product introduction. But it doesn’t take rocket science to fathom what Apple might be up to when it comes to a product upgrade. You just look at the models that are getting long […]

    Newsletter #446 Preview: Apple Looks Ahead, While Microsoft Looks Back

    June 15th, 2008

    Apple has a long history of spinning on a dime. A couple of years back, for example, they tossed out a best-selling design for the iPod nano and introduced an all-new version. Almost any other company on the planet would have pushed the existing configuration until well past its prime and even beyond. Upgrades over […]