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    The Ongoing, Never Ending WWDC Report: Preflight Edition

    June 11th, 2005

    The speculation continues to mount. And it didn’t begin with those rumor sites. Instead, it first came from such respected sources as The Wall Street Journal and CNET’s news.com. Since then, The New York Times and Leander Kahney, author of “The Cult of Mac,” have chimed in. It means that the speculation may indeed have […]

    The Ongoing, Never Ending WWDC Report: Weekend Edition

    June 4th, 2005

    You’ve heard the speculation. And when that speculation comes from such sources as The Wall Street Journal and CNET’s news.com, you have to believe something is up, that Apple is going to migrate to Intel Inside over the next year or two. If true, it probably isn’t just to allow Intel to pick up some […]

    Are Rumor Sites Losing Their Touch?

    April 9th, 2005

    If you can believe what you’ve been reading in recent days, Apple has already declared the Golden Master for Tiger, meaning the product is now being manufactured and readied for delivery to your favorite Mac retailer. In addition, the stories have it that Apple would announce the shipping date on April 1st, and was poised […]