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    Yahoo Wants to Save Google a Billion Dollars!

    April 18th, 2014

    According to published reports, Apple gets approximately one billion dollars a year from Google to be the default iOS search engine for Safari. In turn, Google probably gets more than that in payment for targeted ad clicks or taps from an iOS device. All this is happening while Apple is fighting the largest licensee of […]

    Should Samsung Buy Android?

    February 13th, 2013

    Over the years, so-called media pundits and financial analysts have suggested that Apple buy this company or that company. Usually, it’s a company that, independently, hasn’t demonstrated much in the way of financial success, but would seem to offer technology that Apple needs, or should need. One example is TiVO, which makes DVRs, but earns […]

    Apple’s Competitors Can’t Fight Cultural Icons

    May 13th, 2011

    You just knew that Apple had caught a breeze when the iPod became a cultural icon representing digital music players. It was the product to which all comers were compared, and they ended up wanting. One by one, the iPod killers arrived, and one by one they failed, or gained a minor share of the […]

    Attention Apple Critics: Change Your Expectations!

    April 12th, 2011

    From time to time, I’ve written commentaries stating my belief that you shouldn’t expect Apple to be number one in every product category. Further, they do not have to be number one to be hugely successful, and there’s loads of evidence for that statement. My remarks came ahead of a fascinating article appeared in Fortune, […]