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    Microsoft Wants You to Believe All PCs Are the Same!

    May 21st, 2009

    When you look at the latest ad campaign from Microsoft, the ones featuring an actor pretending to be a regular person, whose given a sum of money to buy a personal computer that suits their specific needs, what do they want you to believe? Well, the common assumption is that there’s a real Apple Tax, […]

    The Numbers Game: Are iTunes Sales Soaring or Falling?

    December 14th, 2006

    You can prove just about anything with numbers, so I find it hard to take statistics too seriously. A case in point is the report the other day that sales at the iTunes store collapsed during the first nine months of 2006. Originating from Forrester Research, it was claimed that monthly revenue at iTunes had […]

    The Real Mac Versus Windows Cost Comparison

    September 12th, 2006

    You’ve probably read a few of these articles by now, offering what is supposed to be an actual cost comparison between buying Mac OS X and buying Windows over a period of several yeras. But regardless of the conclusions, and some are more accurate than others, most of the tech writers and bloggers actually ignore […]

    Apple’s Special Event: Reading the Tea Leaves

    February 25th, 2006

    As you may have heard elsewhere, Apple plans a Special Event on February 28th. Journalists are receiving cryptic messages in their mailboxes, asking them to “Come see some fun new products from Apple.” Fun? Well, that raises lots of possibilities. But if you take “fun” as representing a consumer computer, there is one set of […]