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    Newsletter #424 Preview: A Realistic Look at Apple’s Innovation

    January 13th, 2008

    Every press release that emerges from Apple Inc. these days includes the following tag line: “Apple ignited the personal computer revolution in the 1970s with the Apple II and reinvented the personal computer in the 1980s with the Macintosh.” At no time do they claim that they actually invented the first personal computer, although the […]

    What Apple Can Learn from Logitech and Microsoft

    August 20th, 2005

    Rather than refer you to my previous writings on the Apple Mighty Mouse, let me summarize: For an Apple mouse, it’s one of the best ever and in some respects a remarkably clever design. The standard software, which only gains all its features under 10.4.2, lets you use it as an ordinary single button mouse […]

    The Mighty Mouse Report: So Why Does My Finger Tingle?

    August 6th, 2005

    You know that when Kensington, Logitech or even Microsoft release a new mouse or trackball, you won’t read discussions about it for weeks on end. But when Apple is involved, things are almost always different. People are talking, still. And the Mighty Mouse remains the top seller at Apple’s online store, and it’s sales ranking […]

    The Mac Night Owl Review: Some Face Time with a Mighty Mouse

    August 6th, 2005

    Before I go any further, yes, Apple has full authority to use the name Mighty Mouse, by virtue of getting permission from to use the name of the famous cartoon character direct from Viacom. With that out of the way, it’s fitting that I actually review the product, not as a result of spending 20 […]