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    How About an Apple TV Digital Hub?

    December 28th, 2012

    As more and more tech pundits continue to rant about a possible Apple smart TV set maybe next year, maybe the year after, I wonder once again if they’re really on the wrong track. However, this is a subject that just won’t die, as you hear speculation about Apple sampling prototype TVs, ordering parts, and, […]

    The Apple TV Report: The Media Catches Up with the Night Owl

    August 17th, 2012

    It has been easy to speculate as to just what Apple plans to do with Apple TV. Today, it’s a simple set top box that delivers iTunes contact, AirPlay mirrored content, and a handful of third-party providers, such as Netflix and, very recently, Hulu Plus. But, with sales at roughly 1.3 million units in the […]

    Frightened Companies Try to Upstage Apple Connected TV

    January 10th, 2012

    All right, you know there is no such thing as an “Apple Connected TV,” an iTV whatever you you want to call that so-far nonexistent Apple entry into the flat panel TV market. You know, as I do, that there have been plenty of rumors about such a product, but nothing from Apple to indicate […]

    Here We Go Again: Is Apple Readying a Connected TV?

    October 26th, 2011

    It’s been pretty clear that Apple’s hobby, the Apple TV, is just a test bed to experiment with new methods of cracking the set top box dilemma. The major impediment to making it work is the fact that the cable and satellite providers already give you a set top box, often with a built-in DVD, […]