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    Revisiting Apple TV Myths and Reality

    February 14th, 2014

    The world wonders — or maybe a few people wonder — where’s the ultimate TV interface that Steve Jobs allegedly developed in the final months of his life? According to his biographer, Walter Isaacson, Jobs boasted of cracking the code for the greatest TV interface ever, but nothing has come from this statement. Except assumptions. The first assumption was […]

    Is Apple Losing the TV Wars? Really?

    November 29th, 2013

    There’s a story this week suggesting that the non-appearance of an Apple branded TV set means the company is losing the battle to control your living room. This theory presupposes that other companies have solved the problem in innovative ways, and that nothing Apple can do would offer a better solution. Have they? I suppose […]

    Nokia Desperately Fires Blanks at Apple

    November 27th, 2013

    This week there’s a report about a new ad campaign from Nokia, comparing their new Lumia 2520 tablet against the iPad. So what did they complain about? Well, it seems that the Lumia has an attachable physical keyboard, but the iPad doesn’t. I’m serious. Now this approach is nothing new. It’s reminiscent of Microsoft’s ads […]

    Is the Apple TV Growing on You?

    August 28th, 2013

    While a figure of 13 million sales for a single product would be a huge deal for most tech companies, to Apple, that number, tallied over the six-year life of the Apple TV, means it’s still just a hobby. True, more than half of those sales occurred in the past year, which means that it […]