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    So Just How Successful is the iPad 2?

    May 20th, 2011

    I suppose some industry analysts who forecast extremely rosy sales for the iPad during the March quarter this year were somewhat disappointed that less than five million were sold. Apple’s response, which seems sensible enough in light of the ongoing backorder situation, was that they were building as many as they can, but struggling to […]

    Newsletter Issue #595: Understanding the Magic and Mystery of the iPad

    April 25th, 2011

    No doubt consumer electronics companies around the world are trying to find a way to tap into the reasons behind the iPad’s incredible success, and leverage them to their own advantage. Even when sales in the last quarter weren’t quite up to industry expectations, Apple simply stated it was the result of the “mother of […]

    Some Media Pundits Still Don’t Understand Why Apple is Successful

    April 20th, 2011

    So I was reading an article this week from a columnist for a publication that I won’t mention, simply because of the belated nature of the comments. It’s not that the writer was wrong; in fact the conclusions where, as far as I’m concerned, essentially right on. However, I’m more curious as why such an […]