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    Confirmed! Adobe Flash on Life Support

    November 10th, 2011

    When Steve Jobs posted a letter last year blasting Flash as being unreliable, slow, buggy, a battery life killer, and a known malware target, among other things, Adobe cried foul. They complained loudly, got plenty of favorable press, but could never prove Jobs wrong. When I presented a challenge to Adobe in these columns, that […]

    Soaring iPad and iPhone Sales Lead Apple’s Quarterly Revenues

    July 20th, 2011

    Zooming way, way past Wall Street estimates, at least for the most part, Apple announced Wendesday that its third-quarter profits soared nearly 125% over the same quarter last year, to $7.31 billon, or $7.79 per diluted share. Total sales through June 25, 2011 reached $28.57 billion. As I said, way, way ahead of Wall Street […]

    Newsletter Issue #603: The Media is Finally Noticing There Isn’t a Tablet Market

    June 20th, 2011

    The news from Canada, and Research In Motion, isn’t so good for the company’s employees who might soon find themselves without jobs because of the companies latest troubles. While they are still increasing sales and making profits, growth is way behind the curve. And, no, I do not wish unemployment on people. I’ve been there […]

    Newsletter Issue #601: The Awful Truth About Those iPad Killers

    June 6th, 2011

    So a report is published this week indicating that the companies that are trying to beat the iPad with their own tablets are cutting back on production. At a time when Apple still can’t keep up with demand for the iPad 2, this clearly means that those other gadgets from the likes of Motorola, RIM, […]