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    Microsoft’s Mojo Declines Inexorably

    March 31st, 2008

    It wasn’t so long ago that Microsoft had a fearsome presence in the PC industry. If you got on their bad side for any reason, were viewed as a potentially serious competitor, or some combination of both, you had to prepare for them to trounce you. Certainly Netscape felt their wrath, as did companies that […]

    Those Computers Look Nice, But Can You Tell Them Apart?

    March 3rd, 2008

    The other day I was watching the talking heads on a certain cable TV news network, when I noticed that their note-books all had Apple logos on them. Funny thing, the lids seemed to be dark-colored, almost black, which doesn’t mean they were using ancient Macs. Maybe they only rated MacBooks rather than MacBook Pros, […]

    Newsletter #419 Preview: CompUSA Self-Destructs

    December 9th, 2007

    I used to joke how few people knew anything over at CompUSA, except, perhaps, how to overcharge. This isn’t to say that the Apple “store-within-a-store” was necessarily bad, though. As it was, some of the CompUSA outlets actually had Mac fans on their staff who made a game effort to understand the products they were […]

    Dell Reaps What it Sows

    March 7th, 2007

    Do you remember that infamous statement back in the 1990s from Michael Dell, CEO of Dell Computer (once again)? Apple was on the ropes, hemorrhaging millions of dollars of red ink, and Dell suggested Apple give the money back to its stockholders; more or less close up shop. Of course, Dell was on a roll […]