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    The Leopard Report: No, You Don’t Want to Run a Beta Operating System

    August 23rd, 2006

    I read a story Tuesday that some employees of The Apple Store were fired because they apparently downloaded the preview version of Mac OS 10.5 Leopard that was distributed to developers at the recent WWDC. Despite the fact that the story originated on ThinkSecret, a Mac rumor site, I’ll take it at face value because […]

    Apple and the Tech Support Factor

    June 14th, 2006

    Depending on whom you ask, Apple delivers just wonderful service in every respect, or treats its customers with an unreasonable amount of arrogance. What a wide gulf to traverse and indeed I am sure that both conclusions are perfectly true. Naturally, I’m very pleased that plans to place a huge Apple support center in India […]

    Macs for Business: Does Apple Care?

    May 12th, 2006

    Consider a company looking to update its computers. What influences its decision? Take, for example, the new “Get a Mac” ad campaign now dominating the TV airwaves. Can you imagine a company’s technical people rushing to an Apple Store after they air? What is Apple’s market focus these days? Well, to use the iPod as […]

    The Mac Hardware Report: Are You Ready to Buy a MacIntel?

    February 4th, 2006

    Consider this: Your old computer, Mac or Windows, has seen better days, and you have decided you need something new. A trip to the Apple Store or that controversial ad announcing the presence of Intel chips on Macs has tempted you, so you start to read the reviews and see whether to consider a new […]