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    Microsoft: The Long Road Downhill

    February 18th, 2008

    They say that you reach your physical and mental peak in your 20s, and you decline slowly but inexorably thereafter. You may extend your lifetime somewhat by eating healthy food, exercising regularly and watching your weight, but you can’t control the influence your genes have on you. There’s only one final end to the great […]

    Is Leopard a Failure?

    December 17th, 2007

    After long months of anticipation, Leopard went on sale in late October, and I’m sure many of you succumbed to the lust for eye-candy and the promise of over 300 nifty new features and placed your orders early on. I know I did. Others waited for hours for the big bash at an Apple Store, […]

    Newsletter #419 Preview: CompUSA Self-Destructs

    December 9th, 2007

    I used to joke how few people knew anything over at CompUSA, except, perhaps, how to overcharge. This isn’t to say that the Apple “store-within-a-store” was necessarily bad, though. As it was, some of the CompUSA outlets actually had Mac fans on their staff who made a game effort to understand the products they were […]

    Waiting for Leopard Book VI: A Preinstallation Checkup

    October 25th, 2007

    Across the world as I write this, tens of thousands — maybe hundreds of thousands — of copies of Leopard are on their merry way to Mac users. The tech press, and even some mainstream news outlets such as The New York Times, USA Today and The Wall Street Journal, have had the Golden Master […]