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    Apple Reliability: A Look at the Chaos Theory

    October 1st, 2005

    So I was hanging out in The Tech Night Owl LIVE chat room the other night talking with some listeners, when one began to speak about USB-related problems with this 17-inch Apple LCD display. Earlier that day, a client dropped off his 700MHz eMac, complaining that he couldn’t get it to recognize his FireWire backup […]

    The iPod Report: Cheaper by the Dozen

    September 17th, 2005

    For years, the conventional wisdom had it that Apple’s products were priced way too high, and, sure enough, when the first iPod hit the streets nearly four years ago, that was complaint number one. Who’d pay $399 for a tiny digital music player with a 5GB hard drive? Is this just another Apple Newton, a […]

    Apple Product Updates: The Pace Lags

    February 12th, 2005

    Do you remember when you could depend on a updated PowerBook, Power Mac and so on every six months? Like clockwork, you knew pretty much when the existing models would reach end of life status, with newer versions in the wings. Well, it took nine months for today’s PowerBooks to receive a minor update. Power […]