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    The Real Losers in the Think Secret Settlement

    December 24th, 2007

    I don’t know about you, but I’ve always had mixed feelings about Mac rumor sites. Yes, they often make for  an entertaining read. Sometimes they even get the facts correct, or mostly correct, and clue us in on a genuine new Apple product or service. Now up until a few years ago, Apple accepted the […]

    Mac and PC Price Comparisons Revisited: Eight Cylinder Versus Four Cylinder

    August 30th, 2007

    You know it makes an awful lot of sense. When you are price shopping for a new car, you’ll check off the options list and see that both have similarly powerful six-cylinder engines, air conditioning, perhaps a navigation system, satellite radio and so on and so forth. At the end of the process, you tally […]

    The iPhone Feeding Frenzy Report: Safe to Talk About Macs Again?

    July 2nd, 2007

    After all the heightened anticipation, and this past weekend’s excitement, it’s clear that, despite a few blips along the way from AT&T in handling online provisioning, the vast majority of new iPhone owners absolutely love their new gadget. When was the last time you saw that level of excitement focused on a mobile phone — […]

    The Apple Product Report: Too Much Hype?

    June 7th, 2007

    You know, wherever I look online, there seems to be a story about Apple. Of course, that’s also what we do here, but even places where you expect to read about politics, the rush release of Paris Hilton from prison and other more traditional coverage, there’s something about the iPhone. If it’s not the iPhone, […]