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    The Apple Product Announcement Waiting Game

    October 7th, 2008

    At one time, if you posted photos or other information that was dangerously accurate about a forthcoming Apple product, you’d get a legal letter demanding you stop. But after losing a high-profile case against some popular bloggers last year, and convincing Think Secret to close shop, it appears Apple has pulled back and is taking […]

    Apple’s First Impression Dilemma

    September 3rd, 2008

    All right, try to put yourself in the shoes of someone who has never purchased an Apple product, or perhaps did so way back when, but later migrated to the Dark Side. In recent months, you have been exposed to endless articles and ads about the joys of Macs, iPods and the ever-so-popular iPhone. Now […]

    Is Steve Jobs Really Milking the Macintosh?

    August 19th, 2008

    When I read a commentary from John Martellaro of The Mac Observer this week, suggesting that Apple might want to use some of its huge cash reserves to construct a highly-automated manufacturing facility as a hedge against poor working conditions and uncertainties in Asia, I was struck by a single paragraph that contained a quote […]

    Expo Update: The MacBook Air — Definitely NOT a Desktop Replacement

    January 15th, 2008

    When the analysts get the essence of a new Apple product announcement essentially correct, you sort of expect that a few of the mainstream members of the press probably got an advanced peek. No doubt you’ll also see some early reviews that clearly not rush jobs, but clearly indicate the author had a lot of […]