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    Waiting for the macOS Sierra Download

    September 21st, 2016

    So, as promised, the newly minted macOS, Sierra, launched on Tuesday. With heavy loads on Apple’s servers, you may have had to wait a while for it to arrive. The downside of the free Internet service I’m getting in this place is that it’s not super-fast. So it took a grand total of six hours for […]

    The iPhone 7 Headphone Jack Controversy

    August 25th, 2016

    People outside of Apple frequently criticize the company and what it’s doing. That’s perfectly acceptable. Whatever Apple does is ripe for the picking, even if the brickbats are totally unfair. That’s to be expected. Some of those criticisms come from people that gain credibility because of a past association with Apple. A key example is the […]

    Some Thoughts about macOS Sierra

    August 23rd, 2016

    Since the middle of June, Mac developers have had the chance to pound on betas of Apple’s operating systems to find bugs and make sure their products are compatible. The public got their chance a couple of weeks later with macOS Sierra and iOS 10. All told, more than a million have had their chance to […]

    Chip Cards: The Price of Security

    August 3rd, 2016

    Smart credit cards, or chip cards, were popular in Europe long before they debuted in the U.S. Here, financial institutions were complacent and believed that existing technology was secure. Now chip cards use integrated circuits to provide greatly enhanced security. One common problem they are designed to circumvent is credit card skimming, a process that hacks a card […]