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    Apple TV and Making the Wrong Decisions

    August 24th, 2017

    Year after year, Apple customers may have felt that the Apple TV set-top box had a future. Once it hit the second generation, as a tiny device capable of receiving streaming video, the possibilities seemed rich. While the second generation was limited to 720p HD, it was enhanced to 1080p, the maximum HD resolution, in […]

    Newsletter Issue #844: The Nature of Getting TV Right

    February 1st, 2016

    Apple is interested in the living room. Apple wants to conquer the living room. That appears obvious from what Tim Cook has said on the subject. As soon as Apple expresses interest in anything, you know that loads of money are being poured into development for — well, something or other. But what that something […]

    The “What’s in a Name” Report

    January 20th, 2016

    In marketing, branding may be as important or more important than the product itself. Sometimes a brand name becomes a verb for an entire product category. For years I referred to a bandage as a “Band-Aid” until I realized I was giving Johnson & Johnson free publicity. My mother would always refer to a certain kitchen appliance […]

    The Apple TV Conundrum

    December 10th, 2015

    So it was widely expected that the fourth generation Apple TV, which arrived months later than some originally expected, would represent Apple’s major foray into conquering the living room. At least that was the expectation, but what you expect and what you get are often very different. Before the Apple TV was launched in September, some […]