Newsletter Issue #936: Apple Continues to Confound the Skeptics
November 6th, 2017So let’s just look at the conventional wisdom that prevailed ahead of Apple’s release, last week, of its financials for the quarter ending September 2017. As usual, industry and financial analysts delivered their estimates, but there were some assumptions that different pundits made in the weeks preceding the official announcements.
Take sales of the iPhone 8 and the iPhone 8 Plus. They are a little more expensive than their predecessors, and since a supposedly far better model was forthcoming, sales were said to be poor. Certainly there were few problems getting the configuration you wanted. Since these iPhones weren’t altogether different from their immediate predecessors in the iPhone 7 family, some people were no doubt happy to buy last year’s models and save money.
I should say that a sale is a sale, but let me continue.