Newsletter Issue #883: The Night Owl Helps a Friend Set up an iPhone 7
October 31st, 2016AT&T must be looking real hard for extra cash from customers to pay for its planned merger with Time Warner. So I receive regular emails inviting me to upgrade a two-year-old iPhone 6. I might even consider it, though having my phone bill drop by $30 or so a month if I keep the current hardware is undeniably attractive. In fact, that appears to be the dilemma confronted by many iPhone owners. If their equipment is working nicely — and iOS 10 runs great on an iPhone 6 — is there any reason to buy something new?
Forget about the “missing” headphone jack, which really doesn’t impact a whole lot of people. But what about being water-resistant? What about the improved camera? Is it worth the inconvenience of an iPhone 7 Plus to be able to take delectable portraits? Oh, and I got to talking to a new owner of an iPhone 7 Plus at the checkout counter of the local Sam’s Club the other day. We exchanged devices for a moment — I figured I’d be better off if he decided to run away — and I was happy never to have considered one. It’s just too large for my needs.
In any case, on Saturday morning, I received a call from a long-time client — someone who long ago deserted me for the free service from an Apple Genius Bar — who asked if I’d help him set up an iPhone 7. But he reminded me that he didn’t really need my services. He could go to the Apple Store if he ran into difficulty, but wasn’t it worth the free lunch to be about to report about setting up one?