Newsletter Issue #842: The Night Owl Plays Catch Up
January 18th, 2016In recent weeks, I’ve published several articles about Apple’s Magic Keyboard and the iPad Pro. My reactions to both weren’t so favorable, but I decided to give them a second chance. I even asked Apple to extend the reviewer loans so I would have more of an opportunity to reach some final decisions.
I cannot say that my views were changed substantially on longer exposure, though my opinion on one of the products became more favorable. What this demonstrates to me yet again is that writing reviews a little too quickly may yield a first impression that isn’t borne out with extended use. So I find myself concerned over publications that seem to review too many things too quickly, betraying evidence that their writers are churning out too much incomplete copy too quickly.
Since this newsletter is, by and large, the odyssey of one person in the tech world, I try to be careful about snap judgments. When I wrote reviews and feature articles for several major publications some years back, I tried not to rush. I would usually start the review after the initial exposure to a product, but would set it aside for a while and continue to use it. How long would depend on the deadline, but I’d would return to the article and provide a more complete and nuanced reaction. It doesn’t mean I get everything right, but I try to be as fair as possible.