Newsletter Issue #782: Taking a Third Look at the iPad
November 24th, 2014Those of you who have followed these columns in recent years know that I have never really warmed up to the iPad. Perhaps it’s just me, or my age showing, but I’m perfectly comfortable doing all of my major production work, such as audio editing, on my Mac. Trying to do the same on an iPad becomes a chore.
Now it may be the result of the fact that the apps on which I depend have no iOS equivalents. For basic audio editing, I use Amadeus Pro and Sound Studio. I call upon ID3 Editor to insert tags in the podcast versions of my radio shows, Transmit to send the files to my server, and Feeder to post updates to iTunes, Face-book, Twitter and other services. I have since added Join Together to help prepare high resolution ad-free versions of the shows for the new premium or “plus” services.
There are no doubt better apps to be found, but these work for me. I am productive and quite fast at what I do. So why do I need to force a change? Besides, integrating this workflow in basically a single app environment on an iPad would sharply reduce productivity. Since the work goes slower, so why should I force the issue? True, I might be more encouraged if Apple would release side-by-side multitasking for iOS.