Newsletter Issue #766: Apple’s Yosemite Shows Why Microsoft’s OS Strategy is Failing
August 4th, 2014Aside from that offhand remark from a long-term client to Apple’s demonstration of OS X Yosemite — “Yuk! — the response to the developer and public beta releases has been mostly positive. Clearly Apple has worked hard to deliver reasonably reliable early seeds with most features mostly functional. It’s also stable enough not to come crashing down over every little function.
With Windows 8, Microsoft’s marketing and engineering teams were clearly asleep at the wheel. They didn’t listen to what the public really wanted — or needed for that matter — and deluded themselves into believing that the tiled interfaces of the failed Zune music players and the stagnant Windows Phone platform would somehow succeed in a traditional personal computing environment.
Well, perhaps for consumers, although they don’t seem to like it either. But the most significant part of Microsoft’s business is the enterprise, and the IT people weren’t listening then or now. Those who aren’t simply struggling to keep Windows XP boxes running after Microsoft withdrew support earlier this year, have migrated to Windows 7. Windows 8? Windows 8.1? Not so much!
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