Newsletter Issue #748: So Will Apple Save Microsoft?
March 31st, 2014It’s pretty obvious that Microsoft hasn’t exactly felt the love these days. Windows 8 is an unmitigated disaster, Windows Phone is an afterthought, and the Surface tablet has gone nowhere. Even worse, OEMs who are building PC note-books with touchscreens have reported less-than-stellar sales.
Worldwide, PC sales are falling, and Microsoft doesn’t seem to have a workable scheme that will convince customers to buy new PCs, or just upgrade existing gear. It may indeed be the post-PC era, but Microsoft seems to be doing well enough with the Xbox gaming console after years of suffering multibillion dollar losses.
With a new CEO, Microsoft has a golden opportunity to alter the playing field, and perhaps do something to help the company regain its luster, or at least the aura of invincibility. But it’s still hard to listen to the company’s corporate-speak and believe anything.

[…] “So will Apple save Microsoft? It’s pretty obvious that Microsoft hasn’t exactly felt the love these days. Windows 8 is an unmitigated disaster, Windows Phone is an afterthought, and the Surface tablet has gone nowhere. Even worse, OEMs who are building PC notebooks with touchscreens have reported less-than-stellar sales.” —Read the article on > […]