Newsletter Issue #621: Macs Flourish in the Post-PC Era
October 24th, 2011Although Wall Street freaked over the fact that Apple sold fewer iPhones in the last quarter than their inflated expectations, few predicted the level of success of the Mac in that quarter. Some 4.89 million were sold, amounting to a 26 percent increase over the same quarter in 2010.
Sure, that increase was not much higher than the increase in the number of iPhones sold. But what’s more significant is that Apple is moving more Macs in a single quarter nowadays than they could sell in an entire year not so many years ago. This is a pretty significant development, considering that PC sales, for most manufacturers, are relatively flat.
Also please take a look at Microsoft’s financials for the last quarter, where earnings for the Windows division were up a mere two percent during the same period in 2010. Sales of new PCs were up roughly 3.2 percent to 3.6 according to estimates. Quarter after quarter, Apple is reporting that the growth of Mac sales are far exceeding the rate reported by most PC makers.