Newsletter Issue #603: The Media is Finally Noticing There Isn’t a Tablet Market
June 20th, 2011The news from Canada, and Research In Motion, isn’t so good for the company’s employees who might soon find themselves without jobs because of the companies latest troubles. While they are still increasing sales and making profits, growth is way behind the curve. And, no, I do not wish unemployment on people. I’ve been there a few times in my life, and it’s nothing less than a downright miserable, humiliating experience.
So far is RIM is concerned, the troubled BlackBerry PlayBook tablet, despite a large marketing campaign, doesn’t seem to be going anywhere. Yes, RIM claims to have shipped 500,000 copies in the first few weeks on sale, but that doesn’t necessarily mean 500,000 people are actually buying them. Besides, the figure is dwarfed by Apple’s ability to deliver millions and millions of iPads into the hands of customers over the same period.
The real issue here is whether anyone cares about the PlayBook, Motorola Xoom, Samsung Galaxy, or any other would-be entrant into the alleged tablet marketplace. But the real question, one that CNET belatedly discovered, is that, for all intents and purposes, the iPad is the tablet market. Period.