Newsletter Issue #571: The Eternal Email Dilemma
November 8th, 2010I suppose it’s fair to say that your email app — or the Web-based equivalent — is probably one of the most used pieces software on your Mac or PC. At the same time, it’s the app you take for granted, or at least that goes for most of you.
So if you’re on a Mac, Apple Mail may be your first — and only choice — even though there are other contenders for your time, attention, and managing the message onslaught. On the Windows platform, there’s always Windows Live Mail, the successor to Outlook Express.
The long and short of it is that, unless your email needs are quite sophisticated, just about any program will get the job done. You just need a fairly painless way to add your accounts, sort your messages and, one hopes, protect you from spam and email viruses.
And don’t get me started about whether Macs are more susceptible to viruses nowadays. You may not have a problem with an email borne virus, but if you send an infected message on to a Windows user, you are still the “Typhoid Mary” that may cause someone else loads of grief. There have to be friendlier ways to convince them to dump Windows.