Newsletter Issue #545: The iPhone Report: Did Apple Lose the Surprise Factor?
May 9th, 2010Apple has learned how to play the speculation and surprise game better than just about any company on the planet. They provide precious little information about forthcoming products, except to build a groundswell of interest, or to cater to the needs of the developer community.
Sometimes they are forced to deliver a preview about a new gadget simply because the information would ultimately come from a third party, such as when submitting the iPhone for FCC certification, so they might as well control the flow of information.
That strategy worked perfectly with the first iPhone. It took roughly six months from the initial announcement until the day it went on sale to throngs of waiting buyers. While you knew all about the look and features of Apple’s latest and greatest, there was plenty of opportunity for tech writers and so-called analysts to debate the possibilities that the product would be successful.
You can’t buy that kind of publicity and Apple has learned how to keep us talking about them simply by keeping their mouths shut. That is, unless there’s a reason to say something.