Newsletter #469 Preview: Announcing the Night Owl’s Microsoft Death Watch
November 23rd, 2008Do you think maybe I’m being a little too lurid with this headline? As they said in that classic movie, “Frankly my dear, I don’t give a…” Well, you get the picture, but in this case, I am quite serious. I think Microsoft is in serious trouble, more so because they are so flushed with high profits that their executives won’t face the truth.
Certainly, it’s hard to think of a company with a number one market position as beleaguered or facing eventual demise. Then again, with the current economic crisis taking down giants in the financial industry, you can bet that a company’s fortunes can quickly change, sometimes unexpectedly.
In Microsoft’s case, perhaps their failed ads featuring Bill Gates and comic Jerry Seinfeld reflect the mindset of Steve Ballmer and other key executives. They want to return to the glorious days of the 1990s, when Microsoft could do nothing wrong, and was conquering competitors right and left.
Story continued in this week’s Tech Night Owl Newsletter.