Newsletter #451 Preview: Will Mac Misconceptions Never End?
July 20th, 2008The good news is that Apple is either third or tied for third in the U.S. PC retail market. This is one terrific piece of news for a company that has been given up for dead or eternal irrelevance on dozens of occasions over the years.
At the same time, all the good press that accompanies Apple’s exalted status in the media doesn’t mean that misconceptions still don’t abound. I suppose getting one’s facts correct takes a lower priority, or maybe it’s just a matter of doing a little research, and they do teach research in journalism school.
Or at least that’s what my son, a recent college graduate, tells me.
Of course, it’s easy to assume that publishing erroneous or at least misleading information is part of a grand conspiracy to cast fear, uncertainty and doubt about Apple. We all know about the alleged liberal media, or is that the conservative media?
No matter. I suppose it’s time to play the reality check game again, although my reality may not be quite the same as your reality. But since this is my playground, I’ll express my point of view, and leave plenty of space, as usual, for comments from my gentle readers.
Story continued in this week’s Tech Night Owl Newsletter.