Newsletter #401 Preview: Lies, Lies and More Lies
August 5th, 2007You know, with so many resources for news about Apple Inc. these days, you’d think it would be awfully difficult to just make up stories or come up with a wrong-headed interpretation of events. After all, a single foolish story ought to be short-circuited by the plain, unvarnished truth.
Unfortunately, things don’t quite work out that way. You see, the rumor or falsified information is all too often simply repeated without critical comment. This doesn’t necessarily mean that tech writers aren’t competent to separate fact from fiction. There’s just so much data to process, it’s awfully difficult to give a specific story the attention it deserves.
Of course, that doesn’t lessen their obligation to be accurate.
As we await news of the latest Mac products from Apple this coming week, there’s the usual rush to speculate what’s going to emerge during that briefing for journalists. Some of it is pretty obvious. The iMac hasn’t had an update in a while, so the only question is whether it’ll just get those new Santa Rosa chips from Intel, or whether there will be more far-reaching changes.
And that’s where the fun begins.
Story continued in this week’s Tech Night Owl Newsletter.

How about an early release version of Leopard running on a new Aluminum iMac? 🙂